Lowery, L. (1989). Number the stars. New York: Dell Publishing.

The theme is this novel is crucial for readers to understand. The author expresses how courageous the young girls can be and also how friends stick together no matter what.

Accuracy is important in a historical fiction book. The author centers her story on real events in history and relates them to the reader in a believable way.

Exposition: A young girl living in Denmark during World War II. Her best friend Ellen is Jewish.

Conflict: Jewish families hiding from Nazi soldiers.

Rising Action: Familes are taken from their homes and being "relocated". Ellen, a neighbor girl, hides in Annemarie's family.

Climax: Annemarie must take a very important packet to her uncle. She encounters a soldier along the way.

Falling Action: Annemarie's uncle explains the purpose of the packet and how it was important to Ellen and her family.

Resolution: Annemarie awaits for the war to end so that she can return Ellen's necklace to her when she comes home.

*Newberry Medal

2/17/2016 08:17:30 am



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